The Kingdom of the Netherlands is located in northern Europe and is a high welfare state. The express industry in the Netherlands is highly developed. There are many giants in the express industry, and the aviation industry is quite developed, which enables the express companies in the Netherlands to provide high-quality services around the world.
Headquartered in the Netherlands, TNT Express was founded in 1946 and provides postal services to businesses and individuals in most countries around the world. Provides an efficient delivery network in Europe and Asia, and optimizes web domain registration query performance by expanding operations globally.
TNT Express provides secure on-time delivery of packages, documents and freight items worldwide. TNT has a relatively high market share in Europe.
The Netherlands TPG (Dutch Post Group) is also a postal group company serving the world. In 1997, after the Dutch Post Group merged with Australia's TNT Group, a new express delivery company was formed.
The postal code in the Netherlands is 6 digits, but not pure numbers, but 4 numbers + 2 letters, separated by a space symbol.
For example: 1234 BC; among them, the first 2 digits represent the area of the Netherlands, the last 2 digits represent the street, and the letters represent the house number. The Netherlands has a small land area, almost twice the size of Beijing.