US English address: What is Dr, Blvd, Ave, St, Fwy, Rd?

Many people use abbreviations when writing addresses in American English. Just like NO means how many and how many numbers, in common English addresses in the United States, two-letter abbreviations such as Dr, Blvd, Ave, St, Fwy, and Rd are often seen. What do they mean?

Road, abbreviation: Rd.

Meaning: Road, which can be used for ordinary highways (national roads, provincial roads, county roads), and can also refer to ordinary streets in cities. The plural Roads of Road, sometimes the abbreviation of Roadstead, is the meaning of the harbor anchorage, such as Hampton Roads in southeastern Virginia, which is the Hampton anchorage.

Street, abbreviation: St.

The streets in the city, with little or no green belt, are narrow and mostly residential areas.

Drive, abbreviation: Dr. A driveway generally refers to the section of road that connects a private residence to a street/highway.

Avenue, abbreviation: Ave.

The avenues in the city have green belts, are wider, and are mostly commercial areas, prosperous and lively. Boulevard, abbreviation: Blvd. The avenues in the city are similar to Avenue, or because it is from French, it is more graceful, for example: Sunset Boulevard.

Freeway, abbreviation: Fwy. Expressway, basically equivalent to Expressway, can also refer to urban expressways. Expressways in China are collectively referred to as Expressway (perhaps Freeway comes from Toll-free Way, free expressway, so China does not apply).

Alley, abbreviation: Aly. Lane or alley means, other commonly used alleys are Lane (abbreviated Ln), Heights, Manor (abbreviated Mnr), Terrace (abbreviated Ter), Trail (abbreviated Trl), View (abbreviated Vw) and so on.

There are other expressions of roads in the United States, such as: Way (abbreviated Wy), which means road/street; Circle (abbreviated Cir), which means ring road; and Court (abbreviated Ct), Cove (abbreviated Cv) ), Place (Pl) means a dead end, but when translated into Chinese, it also needs to be translated reasonably according to the context, or collectively referred to as "road".