To send things to the United States, you need to fill in the English address in the United States. As we all know, the English address in the United States is filled in from small to large, first write the recipient's name, then write the residential street address, city name, state initials, and finally the accurate zip code. If you also want to write the country, write it after the zip code.
The format of a US road address is: number + street name + house number. 590 3nd St, Suite 500 is "Suite 500 at 590 3rd Street".
The English of the street includes the following: Street/Road/Drive/Lane/Highway, etc., usually abbreviated as St/Rd/Dr/Ln/Hwy, etc. Just use the English abbreviation, and the courier will recognize it. Street numbers in the United States are arranged regularly, with smaller numbers near the city center and larger numbers farther away from the city center, sometimes with odd numbers on one side and even numbers on the other.
The names of cities in the United States are easy to write, but state names are not very convenient, and many Chinese people do not know how to write them. Because there are many cities in the United States with the same name, the state name must be written, just to distinguish the address, so that the courier will not send the wrong address.
For example, Washington. The capital of the United States is Washington, but the United States also has a state called Washington. If you don't write clearly, it can confuse people. State names in the United States are generally abbreviated to 2 letters, which can be found online. For example, California is CA, Florida is FL, and Hawaii is HI.
Finally, be sure to get the zip code right. The US postal service is very precise and can locate a specific destination, and zip codes are widely used in the United States and can be used in many places. Such as taxis, online shopping, buying insurance, etc.