Introducing US ZIP Codes! What is the zip code of Los Angeles San Francisco New York Philadelphia?

The zip code in the United States is ZIP Code, and you need to use the zip code to send express within the United States, or to send express from abroad to various regions of the United States. For the convenience of expression, it is often abbreviated as ZIP. The purpose of setting up zip codes is to process packages quickly, improve the efficiency of transshipment and delivery, and allow machines to quickly identify zip code codes. Countries around the world are divided into postal codes based on geographic location. US zip codes are 5 digits, such as 90001. According to the rules, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd digits of the zip code represent the distribution area or processing and distribution center, and the 4th and 5th digits represent the post office or distribution area. Later, in order to allow the package to be delivered to the actual address more quickly and accurately, the U.S. zip code added the last 4 digits to the 5-digit zip code, but the main first 5 digits are filled correctly, so it will not affect the delivery. The last 4 digits are the cell, or the segment, which is accurate to the address. So, it can also be said that the zip code in the United States has a total of 9 digits. In addition, the zip code of each state in the United States will have 2 English abbreviated codes. For example: CA 94117, CA is the English abbreviation of California, here means California. The last five digits represent San Francisco, California. Below, we briefly introduce the zip codes of some major cities in the United States. The following zip codes are for reference only, you can search online according to the actual specific address. Los Angeles Postal Code The zip code for Los Angeles is 90001. Los Angeles is one of the most important industrial and commercial, international trade, science, education, entertainment and sports centers in the United States, as well as one of the main bases for the petrochemical, marine, aerospace and electronics industries in the United States. Los Angeles is also home to many world-renowned institutions of higher education, including Caltech, UCLA, University of Southern California, Pepperdine University, and more. zip code in miami The zip code for Miami, USA is 46959, which is the first 5 digits. If you still have a specific address, you can find the 4-digit zip code that follows. Generally speaking, a complete 9-digit zip code can be accurate to the community or even the building number, which is convenient for couriers to deliver packages. Dallas zip code The zip code for Dallas is 999039. Dallas, Texas, is the largest city in the South of the United States. The city is an inland city and has no waterway transportation, so transportation is done by air or rail and road. Traffic on the road is very developed, the oil industry in Dallas is developing well, and the computer industry and medical industry are good. San Francisco zip code San Francisco is in California, the United States, the zip code is 94118, according to the actual address can also check other zip codes. San Francisco is also known as "San Francisco" and "San Francisco", with different terms. In the United States, the place with the largest number of Chinese is in New York, followed by San Francisco, which has close ties with China. What is the zip code of New York New York is one of the largest metropolises in the world and the most populous city, home to people from all over the world. New York is called NY for short, and its zip code is 10001. At the same time, New York also has a large number of Chinese, and there are many Chinese restaurants and shops. philadelphia zip code Philadelphia (Philadelphia) is located in Pennsylvania, the United States, is a city with a long history in the United States, very retro. It is worth mentioning that Philadelphia was the capital of the United States before the establishment of Washington as the capital of the United States. The zip code for Philadelphia is 19113. For more detailed zip codes in Philadelphia, you can check online.