Alabama Introduct

Alabama (also translated as Alabama; State of Alabama) is located in the southeastern United States, with Tennessee to the north, Georgia to the east, and Florida to the south, near the Gulf of Mexico. Alabama has 67 counties with an area of 133,667 square kilometers and a population of 4.59 million as of 2006. The area code for Alabama is 205 - 251 - 256 - 334. Alabama agriculture has cotton, soybeans, and peanuts. Industries include chemicals, textiles, paper, and food. The steel industry is concentrated in Birmingham. Minerals include coal, oil, and stone. The state also has forest logging and fishing. The major cities in Alabama are: Birmingham, Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, Mubier. In terms of transportation facilities, there is Birmingham International Airport and the Port of Mobile, one of the largest deep-water ports in the United States, with hundreds of routes operating here.

Alabama Citys